The failure of the Swedish judicial system to obtain a forced confession from "Hamid Nouri"

According to the social reporter of Tasnim news agency, the meeting "Investigation of the anti-human rights actions of the Sultanate regime focusing on the Hamid Nouri case" was held this afternoon, Sunday, January 18, under the auspices of the country's Lawyers' Mobilization Organization. Elham Aminzadeh, the legal deputy of the president in the previous government, stated in this meeting: During the representation in the 7th Parliament, we acted for the release of a diplomat who was captured by the Americans in Iraq, and the activities were fruitful and he returned to the country after some time. During the time of the legal assistant of the president, one of our diplomats was arrested in Malaysia, who was feared to be extradited to the United States, and in this case, he would have to stay in the prisons of this country for many years. We hope to see the release of Hamid Nouri in the third case and his return to the country and his family. He said: As I have heard, the Swedish judicial system had forced Hamid Nouri to confess to accept the execution of sentences in the late 60s, which he did not accept and instead called himself a follower of Sardar Soleimani and did not accept that the judicial system It calls our country into question, and this action of Hamid Nouri should be appreciated. Aminzadeh then stated that the western countries have considered the issue of human rights in Iran more than nuclear energy, and said: We are now witnessing a large-scale attack by the western countries against Iran. A recent example is the expulsion of Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women, which, although we can attend its meetings, took away our voting rights. The other is the approval of the fact-finding committee whose members are supposed to come to Iran. We always had a special reporter for Iran, who was appointed by the fact-finding board in a new action. They have set a path for the members of this delegation to meet with certain people and take their report to the Security Council to either decide on their own or to set up a court, such as the cases of Lockerbie and Rafiq Hariri, which set up a court but did not reach a conclusion, and only the pressure of the nations followed The legal deputy of the former president of our country continued: Human rights currently have two faces and the face of protecting Western humanity. In this human rights system, a group of nations must ask questions and a group of nations must answer, and this has become the mission of human rights in the current era. This lawyer went on to explain the human freedoms that are stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international covenants and said: According to these covenants, a human being must have intellectual, economic and social freedoms, and the right to life and personal security, freedom of movement, and the right to defend and enforce. They have justice. In the declarations of human rights, there is freedom of thought and opinion, freedom of expression and freedom of information, and today Charlie Hebdo is holding an insulting contest against Muslims and Islamic countries by abusing these concepts. While freedom of expression is not absolute and it should not be considered as an insult to other nations of the world, and this is emphasized in the basic declaration of France, and despite that, the consciousness of nations and the morals and beliefs of the people of a country are insulted. He emphasized: Economic and social freedom, the right to trade, and the right to export and import are human rights, but in the sanctions imposed, all these freedoms have been taken away from the Iranian nation. Aminzadeh continued: All the human rights that are favored in the West are observed, and not what humans deserve; Therefore, when Muslims are insulted, Western countries do not react. He added: By citing and resorting to the means of fighting terrorism, violations of human rights rules are happening in different countries, including in Iraq and Afghanistan, and human rights associations and organizations, NGOs and lawyers should react to these issues. Protection of human rights should be taught to all people and the amount of damage caused in this way should be calculated and tracked. Stating that we should develop our support for fair trials, this lawyer said: hearings should be held for people like Hamid Noori who are accused and the rights of individuals should be followed up during the proceedings. The right to know the reasons for arrest and the right to prove guilt is one of the principles of fair proceedings, and in Hamid Nouri's case, the demand and the right to face witnesses, appeal and retrial should be emphasized. Criminal justice must be properly implemented and the judgments of the courts based on it. He continued: In Hamid Nouri's 40-page petition, only one page has been devoted to his accusations, which should have been at least 30 pages. What is stated in this petition is interference in Iran's internal affairs. Aminzadeh pointed out: It is a fact that human rights are not for all people and are used as soft power in a soft war, and what is said in the international custom is not about all nations, and there are some responsible and some demanding.

Monday 2023/01/09 | 22:07:34


The failure of the Swedish judicial system to obtain a forced confession from "Hamid Nouri"

According to the social reporter of Tasnim news agency, the meeting "Investigation of the anti-human rights actions of the Sultanate regime focusing on the Hamid Nouri case" was held this afternoon, Sunday, January 18, under the auspices of the country's Lawyers' Mobilization Organization. Elham Aminzadeh, the legal deputy of the president in the previous government, stated in this meeting: During the representation in the 7th Parliament, we acted for the release of a diplomat who was captured by the Americans in Iraq, and the activities were fruitful and he returned to the country after some time. During the time of the legal assistant of the president, one of our diplomats was arrested in Malaysia, who was feared to be extradited to the United States, and in this case, he would have to stay in the prisons of this country for many years. We hope to see the release of Hamid Nouri in the third case and his return to the country and his family. He said: As I have heard, the Swedish judicial system had forced Hamid Nouri to confess to accept the execution of sentences in the late 60s, which he did not accept and instead called himself a follower of Sardar Soleimani and did not accept that the judicial system It calls our country into question, and this action of Hamid Nouri should be appreciated. Aminzadeh then stated that the western countries have considered the issue of human rights in Iran more than nuclear energy, and said: We are now witnessing a large-scale attack by the western countries against Iran. A recent example is the expulsion of Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women, which, although we can attend its meetings, took away our voting rights. The other is the approval of the fact-finding committee whose members are supposed to come to Iran. We always had a special reporter for Iran, who was appointed by the fact-finding board in a new action. They have set a path for the members of this delegation to meet with certain people and take their report to the Security Council to either decide on their own or to set up a court, such as the cases of Lockerbie and Rafiq Hariri, which set up a court but did not reach a conclusion, and only the pressure of the nations followed The legal deputy of the former president of our country continued: Human rights currently have two faces and the face of protecting Western humanity. In this human rights system, a group of nations must ask questions and a group of nations must answer, and this has become the mission of human rights in the current era. This lawyer went on to explain the human freedoms that are stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international covenants and said: According to these covenants, a human being must have intellectual, economic and social freedoms, and the right to life and personal security, freedom of movement, and the right to defend and enforce. They have justice. In the declarations of human rights, there is freedom of thought and opinion, freedom of expression and freedom of information, and today Charlie Hebdo is holding an insulting contest against Muslims and Islamic countries by abusing these concepts. While freedom of expression is not absolute and it should not be considered as an insult to other nations of the world, and this is emphasized in the basic declaration of France, and despite that, the consciousness of nations and the morals and beliefs of the people of a country are insulted. He emphasized: Economic and social freedom, the right to trade, and the right to export and import are human rights, but in the sanctions imposed, all these freedoms have been taken away from the Iranian nation. Aminzadeh continued: All the human rights that are favored in the West are observed, and not what humans deserve; Therefore, when Muslims are insulted, Western countries do not react. He added: By citing and resorting to the means of fighting terrorism, violations of human rights rules are happening in different countries, including in Iraq and Afghanistan, and human rights associations and organizations, NGOs and lawyers should react to these issues. Protection of human rights should be taught to all people and the amount of damage caused in this way should be calculated and tracked. Stating that we should develop our support for fair trials, this lawyer said: hearings should be held for people like Hamid Noori who are accused and the rights of individuals should be followed up during the proceedings. The right to know the reasons for arrest and the right to prove guilt is one of the principles of fair proceedings, and in Hamid Nouri's case, the demand and the right to face witnesses, appeal and retrial should be emphasized. Criminal justice must be properly implemented and the judgments of the courts based on it. He continued: In Hamid Nouri's 40-page petition, only one page has been devoted to his accusations, which should have been at least 30 pages. What is stated in this petition is interference in Iran's internal affairs. Aminzadeh pointed out: It is a fact that human rights are not for all people and are used as soft power in a soft war, and what is said in the international custom is not about all nations, and there are some responsible and some demanding.

Monday 2023/01/09 | 22:07:34